News 18 Jun 2024

Vialle laments 'frustrating' day at High Point

Fifth place overall result drops Tom Vialle to a distant third in the standings.

Image: Octopi Media.

Red Bull KTM’s Tom Vialle finished off the podium in both motos at High Point after a pair of crashes set his overall result and championship hopes back. The Frenchman even found himself leading in the second moto when he crashed, and he admits the day at High Point was frustrating overall.

Both motos had the potential to be much better than the end result shows as Vialle was running in fourth place in the first moto when he crashed back to eighth. Either way, both results were far from what Vialle needed as title rival Haiden Deegan continues to click off top two finishes.

“High Point was not really a good day,” said Vialle. “I finished with 8-4 moto results and went down in both motos. I was leading the second moto and crashed, so we were a little bit better in that one, but that’s not where I want to be, and it’s kind of frustrating. I look forward to Southwick and being back in the sand in two weeks, so hopefully it will be a better race there.”

Vialle now sits a distant 38 points back in the championship with seven rounds remaining. As Vialle mentioned, Southwick is next on the schedule and the sandy New England racetrack is still the location of Vialle’s sole Pro Motocross victory to date. He will be eyeing a big turnaround in two weeks to get back on the right track.
